
“There are so many reasons to love this treatment. Microneedling is a quick, minimally invasive skin rejuvenation process that requires only one day of recovery time. Best results can be achieved with minimal down-time from business, and without letting the world know why you’re looking so great.”

—– Denise DeGiulio    

MicroneedlingMicroneedling – sometimes called Collagen Induction Therapy (CIT), or Micro-Needling – harnesses your body’s own ability to re-grow and repair skin, by using micro punctures of the skin to stimulate the production of increased collagen and elastin. These micropunctures release the body’s own growth factors and induce a cascade of new epidermal growth and fibroblast proliferation.

Tissue is effectively remodeled as its vascular matrix matures and causes skin to tighten. New healthy skin cells replace damaged, aged cells. Wrinkles, stretch marks, various types of scarring, pigmentation problems, even hair loss, can all benefit from a series of 3 Microneedling treatments.

This technology allows any product applied to your skin during and after treatment to be absorbed precisely where it is needed for super-effective results. After each microneedling session, special peptide-based cremes are dispensed to clients for optimal absorption and results.

Why Clients Love Microneedling

Over a 2 to 3 month period, a series of Microneedling treatments can assure you that your skin will have noticeable improvement in texture and smoothness. Microneedling not only helps delay age-signs, but due to the fact that its effects are ongoing and cumulative, it provides a wonderfully discreet way to simply look better as time goes on.

In fact, it accomplishes so many things so well, Microneedling may prove to be an occasional favorite addition to your rejuvenative treatments regimen.