Microcurrent Treatment

“Microcurrent is a rejuvenation treatment that many clients call a ‘non-surgical face lift.’ No needles, no pain, no surgery, just a steadily more youthful look and feel for your face.”

—– Denise DeGiulio    

Microcurrent Treatment is used to attain a healthier, younger and fresher looking appearance at any age. Cumulative results become apparent throughout the sessions – this progressive, non-aggressive treatment allows you to look better with each treatment in the series.

This wonderfully rejuvenating and tightening treatment is performed to improve muscle tone and redefine the contours of jowls, cheek, eye and forehead areas. It reduces wrinkles and lines, improves facial blood circulation and increases product penetration.

How it Works

The special electrical current works in synergy with your body’s own biological energy current to fight visible signs of aging and restore a more youthfully vibrant you.

The reason microcurrent is done as a series of treatments is that you are actually re-educating the muscle tissue of your face and re-gaining muscle contour. By stimulating the production of natural collagen and elastin fiber in your skin, this treatment translates to a firmer and more youthful appearance, and it does so without discomfort.

Microcurrent Treatment not only increases collagen production, it also triggers the body’s own production of amino acids and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) which accelerates cellular repair and promotes healthier cell production.


In order to reach your skin’s maximum potential with this treatment, after your initial series is completed, the results can be superbly maintained by receiving a treatment every 4 to 6 weeks. You can also use this method to prolong the effects of Botox and fillers. 
(It can be done 2 weeks before or after injections).

The Microcurrent device used is cutting-edge technology and provides visible results that delight both men and women. With the help of Microcurrent, your Botox and fillers can last longer and your musculature can steadily improve. Your face will experience a subtle yet dramatic rejuvenation that may help you put off plastic surgery for quite a while, or, perhaps forget it entirely!